Ulla is a photographer based in Cologne, Germany. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in photography and painting from Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, GA, USA. As an artist she has lived, worked and studied in Atlanta, New York City and San Francisco. During her stay in Santiago de Chile, she discovered her passion for photography and its power as a direct tool for depicting people and their surroundings. After the Birth of her son Nicolas, now college aged, she lived in London, Graz and Cologne. Exploring photography as an art form of portraying people and their lives is her expertise. She also has a B.Sc. in Psychology. Ulla speaks German, English and Spanish.

Bachelor of Fine Art, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, GA
USA Stipendien: Portofolio Scholarship, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta / Presidential Scholarship, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta / Instituational Scholarship, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta / The Coca-Cola Foundation, Atlanta / Foundation Scholarship, Altlanta College of Art, Atlanta
New Museum, New York, USA / London Print Studio, London, UK / Photofusion, London, UK / Self Color, Paris, France
Visual artist and photographer since 1995
Docent of Photography at the University of Koblenz, 2002 – 2012
photographed for: dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH, Frankfurt / medica mondiale e.V., Köln / Janssen-Cilag GmbH (Johnson&Johnson), Neuss / L‘Oréal Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf / ELLE Verlag GmbH, München / FHB original GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld / Ebner Stolz Management Consultants GmbH, Köln / LUNA Media GmbH, Köln / medien innovations GmbH LISA Burda Medien, Offenburg / Daimler AMG (OSK), Köln / Volkswagen Zentrum, Mainz / CREATOUR GmbH Incentives & Events, Köln / GRAZIA Magazin, Hamburg / Missy Magazine Verlags GmbH, Berlin / REHA-Betriebe Erftland gGmbH, Bergheim
Single and Group-exhibitions (painting and photography) in Atlanta, New York, Santiago de Chile, San Francisco, London, Graz, Koblenz and Cologne.